
Ayahuasca Cali

Shift into a new you

Experience the magic of an ancestral ceremony of Ayahuasca (Yagé) to connect with your subconscious, heal from the past, move past blockages, find clarity within and become the best version of yourself in the beautiful "Valle de Cauca"

Our team has

ceremonies facilitated
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cumulative years eperience
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personal tranformations
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Become the person you where always meant to be

It is time for you to liberate yourself from the things that are holding you down 

Let go of anxiety, depression & resolve trauma

You tried everything already to let go of your anxiety, depressive tendencies, to resolve your trauma but nothing really seams to work?

Achieve your breakthrough

You are ready to let go of self-doubt, break through limiting beliefs and finally be the best version of yourself?

Improve the realtionship with yourself

You are looking to build a better relationships with yourself which in turn will improve your relationship with friends, family, romantic partner, work, money and the environment?

We opened our Ayahuasca center so you can make the experience you need to make to develop into the human you were meant to be.

Ayahuasca Ceremony in Cali

The place where the trajectory of your life can change

This is a public ceremony

Prepare to be with a group of 50+ people

One night of Ayahuasca ceremony

Bring warm, comfortable clothes + water bottle + tissues

beautiful location

Upcoming dates: October 7. 

Price: 100 mil Pesos

We do ceremonies every 2 months. Once the next dates are set, it will be posted here.

What our participants say about their Ayahuasca ceremony


The container, safety, and trust were so strong which allowed me to surrender deeply. 


Life – changing experience, it uncovered so much for me. I am very grateful for the team.


I felt safe and comfortable throughout the whole process which was the most important


Possibly a life-changing experience. I feel at peace in my life. It helped me work toward the person I want to be. 


It felt like a family atmosphere, very open – hearted and welcoming 

Are you ready for a shift in consciousness within you and drink Ayahuasca in Cali?

Preparation for your Ayahuasca Cali

If you want to connect with Ayahuasca, it is a serious undertaking. For that reason it is important that you prepare accordingly. 


Must read Blog: Ayahuasca preparation – how to prepare for your ceremony

Other valuable blogs to Prepare for Ayahuasca: 

Ayahuasca intention , Afraid of Ayahuasca, Ayahuasca vomit explained

Are you ready to dive into your subconscious with Ayahuasca?

Ayahuasca Cali benefits

Do you want to partake in an ancestral Ayahuasca ceremony in Cali?

There are certain factors you want to consider when looking for a place. It is very important that you feel safe throughout the whole process. 


Feeling safe

The first and most important is that you feel safe in the organization where you are going to have this experience. Only when you feel safe, will you be able to be comfortable opening up and having a deep experience as well.

Who is sharing the Ayahuasca

And of course, the shaman / Taita is very important as well. That he/she has the experience of facilitating a ceremony, that he/she has dealt with a lot of critical situations in ceremonies before so there won't be any surprises.

How has the experience of other people been at the place

Of course everybody is saying all the best about their place. With Ayahuasca personal recommendations are valuable because somebody you know has actually been there and can tell you about their (unfiltered) experience.

Our Ayahuasca team in Cali

Mama Concha

Mama Concha is traveling from the Colombian Amazon to share her Ayahuasca in Cali. Over 10+ generations upwards her ancestors have been cultivating and sharing Ayahuasca.  


Kevin has a unique backround with being a Doctor and also following the path of Ayahuasca for more than 10 years. He is also helping with the logistical questions around the ceremony. 

Are you ready to connect with the spirit of Ayahuasca in Cali, Cauca

What can you expect in the ceremony

Ayahuasca is a very individual experience. And each ceremony you participate in is different, even every cup of Ayahuasca is different. At the same time there are certain elements that repeat itself.
Also Ayahuasca is referred to as the Grandmother spirit and it requires a lot of discipline for this encounter.
We maintain this in the ceremony space. Know that we are not trying to scold or judge you. But there are certain things to watch out for.

Ceremony Consciousness

When you are drinking Ayahuasca, you are partaking in a ceremony. The ceremony is not just your vision of Ayahuasca. It is everything that happens around it. Encounters you might have, people that trigger you, the impatience you feel because it takes a long time for the Ayahuasca to have an effect. All of this has a reason. And if you listen and pay attention you will notice how it reflects certain aspects of your life and what you can learn from it.

Focus on your process

People around you might have a strong process, crying or expressing themselves in a certain way. It can be tempting to observe what is happening with them. Or become annoyed by them that it distracts you from your process. However, there are always distractions in life and it is normal that they also happen in ceremony. Take a deep breath and return to your process. 

Do not help others in the ceremony:

When others are struggling a part of us wants to help. That is very noble, at the same time, you really don't know what you are doing and you also don’t really know what the other person needs. So just let the facilitators and shamans do their work and focus on your process.

Going to ceremony with your partner or a good friend

Of course you want to watch out for the person you care about. At the same time Ayahuasa is a very personal process. It is a personal process for you, and for your partner. Allow each other to give you the space you need to expand.

How will you be able to process your Ayahuasca experience?

Well, this is a chapter on its own and we are in the process of creating a lot more information on this. After the retreat you will receive a weekly newsletter for 12 weeks that help you integrate the experience. 


Must read Blogs: Ayahuasca Integration, Depression after Ayahuasca, What Ayahuasca taught me, Mistakes after Ayahuasca, Ayahuasca effects long term, Ayahuasca and relationships, Ayahuasca spiritual awakening

Do you prefer a Private Ayahuasca ceremony or Ayahuasca in Medellin?

Our main Ayahuasca Retreat Center in Colombia is located in Medellin. Alternatively you can also book a private ceremony / in Medellin or Cali. 

Intimiate group sizes (max 12 people)

Retreats available (4 or 7 days with multiple ceremonies)

Additional healing modalities like Ice bath, breathwork and many more

Western facilitators

Find out what others say about their Ayahuasca Experience






Do you feel the call for Ayahuasca? Let's chat

Kambo Cali

Mama Concha

When we are in Cali we also offer Kambo in the morning of the ceremony day (not after). 

Kambo is a frog medicine from the Amazon which helps you boost your immune system. 

You can find out more about Kambo here. 



Open chat
Hola, if you have any questions around Ayahuasca, I am happy to answer your questions. Just shoot me a message and we talk soon.