
Ayahuasca vs San Pedro / Huachuma – Different approaches to healing

On a journey of spiritual and personal discovery, individuals often explore various plant medicines, each with its own unique properties and teachings. In this blog, we delve into the world of two profound and historically rich plant medicines: Ayahuasca and San Pedro. While both have been used for centuries in traditional ceremonies, they offer different experiences, insights, and benefits.

As we dive deeper into these sacred medicines, we’ll compare their cultural backgrounds, the nature of the experiences they offer, and the potential benefits and challenges associated with each. By understanding these aspects, you’ll be better equipped to make an informed choice about which path may be calling to you at this moment in your life’s journey. Whether seeking healing, transformation, or deeper spiritual connection, both Ayahuasca and San Pedro have unique gifts to offer.

 Let’s explore these ancient medicines and uncover the wisdom each holds.

Table of Contents

Key takeaways: 

  • Ayahuasca is an Introspective journey where you are sitting with the effect of the medicine and having the plant (and Taita) energetically guide you through your journey
  • There is a more communal approach to San Pedro, focused on prayer, where each participants contributes and co-creates the space with their own energy.
  • Both lead you back to your heart, connect you with your intuition, each one has their own unique angle.


While this blog provides a general overview of Ayahuasca and San Pedro ceremonies, it’s crucial to recognize that different traditions and facilitators have their own unique ways of conducting these ceremonies.

The information presented here serves as a broad guideline, but the actual experience can vary significantly depending on the specific practices and approaches of the ceremony leaders.

It’s also essential to understand that these are the general frameworks within which Ayahuasca and San Pedro ceremonies typically operate. However, the personal, subjective experience of each individual can differ markedly. 

The truth is, no amount of preparation can fully encapsulate the unique journey you will undergo in your own Ayahuasca or San Pedro ceremony.

Each person’s experience is deeply personal and influenced by a multitude of factors, including their mindset, the setting of the ceremony, and their interactions with the plant medicine.

Therefore, it’s important to communicate openly with the facilitators of the ceremony. A good facilitator should be willing to answer your questions and provide guidance based on their experience and knowledge. 

This dialogue can help you gain a clearer understanding of what to expect and assist in determining which plant medicine might be most suitable for you at this point in your journey. Ultimately, the decision on which path to take should be made based on your own feelings, research, and comfort level with the ceremony and its facilitators.

Remember, this journey is yours, and choosing the right path is a deeply personal decision that should be made with care and consideration. 

Much of the information in this article was gathered through a conversation with my friend Scottie Schneider, who shares San Pedro ceremonies. 

Differences between the two plant teachers:

Exploring the differences between Ayahuasca and San Pedro reveals distinct aspects of their spiritual journeys and the types of healing they facilitate.

The way of Ayahuasca vs San Pedro

Ayahuasca is known for its intense and introspective nature. When you partake in an Ayahuasca ceremony, it’s often said that the medicine shows you what you need to work on and, in most cases, automatically takes you there.

It’s a deeply internal process, one that doesn’t easily allow for resistance or denial (the more you resist it, the more intense it usually gets; there is no real point in fighting it; it’s more about being open to the teachings that come to you). 

The Taitas often describe this as sitting with the medicine,’ a journey where you confront and release what no longer serves you, leading to profound internal revelations and healing. 

The experience with Ayahuasca is very much about delving into your inner world, uncovering truths, confronting fears, and unearthing deep-seated emotions. 

This journey, while challenging, often leads to significant breakthroughs, allowing you to find inner peace, understanding, and self-love.

Must read Blog: Ayahuasca healing – healing vs. improvement

The way of San Pedro 

San Pedro, in contrast, tends to foster a more external, communal experience. While it also promotes introspection and self-discovery, its energy is often described as more outward-facing. 

In a San Pedro ceremony, participants are encouraged to connect with those around them, to share stories, sing together, or physically interact. 

This sense of community and connection is a significant part of the San Pedro experience. It’s not uncommon for something a fellow participant says or does to trigger a realization or emotional response in you, whether it’s a sudden urge to hug them or a moment of understanding sparked by their words. 

With San Pedro, while you’re still on a personal journey of discovery, there’s a stronger element of conscious decision-making about what issues and processes you choose to engage with.

In essence, while both Ayahuasca and San Pedro can guide you towards healing and self-awareness, their approaches differ. 

Ayahuasca often leads you on an inward journey, compelling you to find answers within yourself and facilitating a deep, personal confrontation with your issues.

San Pedro, meanwhile, encourages a more communal exploration where insights and healing can come through interactions with others and the environment, allowing for a conscious engagement with the topics you wish to explore.

Both paths offer valuable but distinct experiences, each conducive to personal growth in its own unique way.

The significance of prayer in a San Pedro ceremony:

Diving deeper into the experience of San Pedro, we find that prayer and community play pivotal roles in the ceremony.

Unlike the often solitary journey of Ayahuasca, San Pedro invites participants into a shared space of connection and expression. 

Within this space, learning the art of prayer becomes a communal experience, as you not only communicate with the great spirit or the essence of the plant but do so openly, in the presence of others.

This act of praying out loud and in a group setting imbues the ceremony with a profound sense of humility.

 It’s a beautiful process that breaks down barriers and fosters a deep connection not only with the spiritual realm but also with the people around you. 

The focus in a San Pedro ceremony is very much on the collective experience—on both your own journey and the journeys of those sharing the space with you.

The ceremonial environment of San Pedro is often described as co-creative. Each participant, by bringing their own unique essence and spirit to the ceremony, contributes to the collective experience. 

This synergy creates a dynamic and interactive space where the energy and intentions of each individual mingle and influence the overall direction and feel of the ceremony. 

It’s a space where the act of prayer and the presence of community are not just part of the background but are integral to the ceremony itself, with each person’s participation enhancing the overall experience.

How music impacts the San Pedro and Ayahuasca ceremonies differently:

The role of music in Ayahuasca and San Pedro ceremonies further highlights the distinct nature of these two spiritual experiences. 

In both contexts, music is not just an accompaniment but a vital, active element of the journey, though it serves different purposes and is expressed in unique ways.

In Ayahuasca ceremonies, music, often in the form of icaros, or sacred songs sung by the shaman, plays a crucial role in guiding the participants through their journey. 

These songs are believed to navigate the energies present in the ceremonial space, helping to facilitate healing, provide protection, and aid in the transformation of the experience. 

The music in an Ayahuasca ceremony is deeply intertwined with the progression of the journey, with each note and rhythm thought to interact with the medicine to deepen the participants’ experience.

It’s a carefully orchestrated element, with the shaman often choosing songs that respond to the energy and needs of the participants, creating a dynamic and responsive musical flow.

Contrastingly, in San Pedro ceremonies, music takes on a more spontaneous and expressive form.

Participants are often encouraged to engage in singing as a form of personal expression and connection. 

The act of singing in a San Pedro ceremony is about opening your heart and allowing your voice to flow naturally.

 It’s less about being guided by the music and more about using music as a tool for self-expression and communal sharing.

This can create a deeply communicative and interactive atmosphere where each participant’s contribution to the music adds to the collective experience.

The music in San Pedro ceremonies, therefore, tends to be more participatory, with participants singing together, playing instruments, or even dancing. 

It’s a celebration of expression and connection, with music acting as a conduit for sharing, healing, and joy.

In summary, while music is a fundamental component of both Ayahuasca and San Pedro ceremonies, its use and purpose differ significantly. 

In Ayahuasca ceremonies, music is a guiding force, intricately linked to the shamanic journey, whereas in San Pedro ceremonies, music is a communal expression of joy, connection, and the open-hearted spirit of the ceremony. 

Both forms of musical expression beautifully complement the unique qualities of their respective plant medicines, enhancing the depth and richness of the ceremonial experience.

The effect of San Pedro on the brain 

San Pedro cactus, with mescaline as its primary active ingredient, exerts a profound impact on the brain, an effect complemented by 50 to 80 other active alkaloids present in the plant. These compounds collectively influence the brain in ways that share similarities with Ayahuasca, particularly in their interaction with serotonin receptors.

  1. Serotonin ReceptorsThe interaction with serotonin receptors, especially the 5-HT2A receptor, is a significant aspect of how San Pedro affects the brain. This interaction leads to altered states of consciousness, which can manifest as enhanced sensory perceptions, deep emotional responses, and sometimes profound spiritual experiences.
  2. Neuroplasticity: Like Ayahuasca, San Pedro’s impact on the brain extends to promoting neuroplasticity. This means it can aid in creating new neural connections, potentially leading to long-lasting changes in thought patterns, behaviors, and overall mental health. This aspect of San Pedro’s effects contributes to its potential for therapeutic use in addressing various psychological conditions.

We created a separate, detailed article on how Ayahuasca affects the brain:

Must read blog: How Ayahuasca affects the brain – written by Dr. Zapata 

These similarities in the ways that both San Pedro and Ayahuasca interact with the brain underscore their potential as powerful tools for healing and spiritual growth.

The purge on Ayahuasca vs. San Pedro:

The aspect of purging, a significant and often talked-about element in plant medicine ceremonies, varies considerably between Ayahuasca and San Pedro.

With Ayahuasca, purging is a well-acknowledged and almost expected part of the experience for the majority of participants. 

Over 95% of those who partake in Ayahuasca ceremonies report experiencing some form of purging, whether it be through vomiting or diarrhea. This physical act of purging is deeply intertwined with spiritual and energetic cleansing, serving as a symbolic release of emotional, psychological, and energetic burdens. 

It’s considered a crucial aspect of the healing process, facilitating a profound clearing and renewal on multiple levels.

In contrast, the experience with San Pedro is quite different regarding purging. Only about 20% of participants typically experience purging in San Pedro ceremonies, and it’s more common among those who are new to the medicine. 

The lower incidence of purging with San Pedro can be attributed to the nature of the plant and the type of experience it induces. While purging can still be a part of the cleansing process with San Pedro, it is not as central or frequent as it is with Ayahuasca.

This difference in the purging aspect reflects the distinct ways these two plant medicines work on physical, spiritual, and emotional levels.

 While Ayahuasca often induces a more intense purgative process, San Pedro tends to facilitate a gentler, and sometimes less physically demanding, journey. However, both forms of purging, when they occur, are viewed as important and beneficial processes of release and cleansing within the respective contexts of these sacred plant medicines.

Must read blog: Ayahuasca vomit explained – why you vomit on Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca vomit and purge

Additional plants in San Pedro and Ayahuasca ceremonies:

additional elements in the San Pedro ceremony 

San Pedro is often accompanied by other sacred plants, each adding its unique attributes to the overall experience. These additional plants serve various purposes, from aiding in physical comfort to enhancing spiritual connection.

One such plant is the coca leaf, which is commonly used in San Pedro ceremonies. 

Coca leaves have multiple benefits in this context. They are known to help participants articulate their prayers with more clarity in their thoughts and spoken words. 

Additionally, coca leaves can alleviate nausea. They also provide a gentle boost of energy, which can be particularly helpful given the long duration of San Pedro ceremonies.

Tobacco is another plant frequently utilized in San Pedro ceremonies, often in the form of tobacco water.

In many indigenous cultures, tobacco is revered for its cleansing and protective properties. During ceremonies, the facilitator may apply tobacco to himself and each nostril. 

First, to clear negative energy, and then to invite positive influences into the ceremonial space. This ritual is seen as a means of balancing energies and creating a conducive environment for the participants’ journeys.

Some facilitators incorporate the Huilka plant into their ceremonies, which is known for its ability to intensify the experience in a manner similar to Yopo’s role in some Ayahuasca ceremonies.

These additions are made with careful consideration, as they can significantly alter the nature and intensity of the experience.

Many facilitators of San Pedro ceremonies follow the Red Road (camino rojo), incorporating practices like the vision quest and sun and moon dances.

This spiritual path often includes the use of an obsidian pipe, which may also be a part of the San Pedro ceremony. 

These practices and elements reflect the rich spiritual traditions surrounding San Pedro, deeply rooted in the indigenous cultures of the Andes mountain ranges in South America, particularly among tribes in Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador.

San Pedro ceremonies, therefore, are not just about the cactus itself but are a confluence of various plant medicines and cultural practices.

Each element contributes to creating a holistic experience that is both physically grounding and spiritually elevating, offering participants a unique opportunity to connect with these ancient traditions and the natural world.

Additional elements in the Ayahuasca ceremony

In addition to tobacco, which is often a central component of Ayahuasca ceremonies for centering, intention-setting, and cleansing, several other plants and practices play significant roles in these rituals.

One such plant is Hapey, which can be used to balance energies within the ceremony. 

It has the unique ability to either intensify or moderate the Ayahuasca experience, depending on how it’s used and the needs of the participants. 

The versatility of Hapey makes it a valuable adjunct in Ayahuasca ceremonies, offering a way to tailor the experience to the individual and collective needs of those present.

Another important element in many Ayahuasca ceremonies is the ‘soplo,’ a practice involving aguardiente, a type of liquor, infused with various cleansing plants like chonduro. Taitas use this mixture to perform energetic cleanings, blowing it into the air or over a person to purify the space or the individual. 

This practice helps clear negative energies and create a conducive environment for the spiritual work of the ceremony.

In the preparation and integration phases of the Ayahuasca experience, plant baths can assist in that process. 

These baths often use bitter plants to help remove negative energies and cleanse the body and spirit. Conversely, baths with sweet plants are used to attract positive energies and influences into one’s life. 

These practices are part of the holistic approach to working with Ayahuasca, acknowledging the importance of preparing the body and spirit before the ceremony and aiding in the integration process afterward.

Particularly in Colombian traditions, the use of purgatives before the Ayahuasca ceremony is common. 

These purgatives are intended to cleanse the body, helping to purify and prepare participants physically and spiritually for the journey ahead. This preparatory step is seen as essential in ensuring that individuals are ready to receive the full benefits of the Ayahuasca experience.

Each of these elements—from tobacco and hapey to the soplo and plant baths—contributes to the rich and complex tapestry of Ayahuasca ceremonies. 

They reflect a deep understanding of the interplay between different plants and practices and how they can be used to facilitate healing, transformation, and spiritual exploration.

If you are ready to experience an Ayahuasca ceremony for yourself, feel free to contact our Ayahuasca Retreat in Colombia

Must read Blog: Ayahuasca and Purgatives – the Colombian approach to the Ayahuasca diet

Self-administering San Pedro vs. Ayahuasca:

When it comes to self-administering plant medicines like San Pedro or Ayahuasca, the considerations and risks involved are significant and should not be taken lightly. 

Each of these powerful substances requires a respectful and cautious approach, especially when contemplating self-administration or microdosing.

Starting with San Pedro, the possibility of taking it by oneself or microdosing does exist, but it’s surrounded by several crucial considerations. For one, it’s important to be in a stable, grounded place in your life, both mentally and emotionally. 

The journey with San Pedro can be unpredictable, and while it’s generally gentler than Ayahuasca, it can still open doors to aspects of the psyche that might be challenging to navigate alone. Handling these experiences requires a certain level of experience and understanding of plant medicine.

Additionally, sourcing San Pedro poses its own challenges. It’s not a plant that is commonly available, and to use it responsibly, one would need to know a grower or a trustworthy source. 

This natural barrier limits access primarily to those who are experienced and have established connections in the plant medicine community. Even for seasoned users, self-administering San Pedro is generally not recommended.

The risks increase significantly when considering Ayahuasca for self-administration. The risks of self-administering Ayahuasca include not just intense psychological challenges but also physical dangers.

One of the most serious risks is the potential for suffocation due to vomiting, a common side effect of Ayahuasca. Without the presence of an experienced guide or shaman to ensure safety, drinking Ayahuasca alone could, in extreme cases, be life-threatening.

In summary, while San Pedro might be more accessible for experienced individuals considering self-administration or microdosing, it still carries risks and is generally not recommended. 

As for Ayahuasca, self-administration poses significant dangers and is strongly advised against. These powerful medicines are best experienced in the presence of knowledgeable and experienced guides who can provide a safe and supportive environment for the journey.

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Conclusion: Comparison Ayahuasca vs San Pedro / Huachuma

In conclusion, both Ayahuasca and San Pedro ceremonies offer profound paths to personal and spiritual growth, each enriched by a variety of complementary plant medicines and practices. 

The careful and respectful integration of these elements reflects a deep understanding of the holistic nature of healing and spiritual exploration. Whether through the introspective journey of Ayahuasca or the communal experience of San Pedro, these ceremonies provide opportunities for transformation and enlightenment, guided by age-old traditions and wisdom.

As we navigate our own paths, understanding the nuances and complexities of these sacred ceremonies can help us make informed choices about our spiritual journey. 

Remember, the choice to engage with either Ayahuasca or San Pedro is deeply personal and should be approached with reverence, openness, and a willingness to embrace the lessons they offer. Whichever path you choose, it promises to be a journey of profound discovery and growth, guided by the ancient wisdom of plant medicine.

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