Become happy, content and fulfilled

Heal the past and rediscover yourself through our transformational Ayahuasca Retreat.

Our team has

ceremonies facilitated
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cumulative years eperience
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personal tranformations
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Become the person you where always meant to be

It is time for you to liberate yourself from the things that are holding you down 

Let go of anxiety, depression & resolve trauma

You tried everything already to let go of your anxiety, depressive tendencies, to resolve your trauma but nothing really seams to work?

Achieve your breakthrough

You are ready to let go of self-doubt, break through limiting beliefs and finally be the best version of yourself?

Improve the realtionship with yourself

You are looking to build a better relationships with yourself which in turn will improve your relationship with friends, family, romantic partner, work, money and the environment?

We opened our Ayahuasca center so you can make the experience you need to make to develop into the human you were meant to be.

Ayahuasca Retreat Guacamayo

The place where the trajectory of your life can change

Western facilitators - we understand your situation

Indigenous Tradition - sharing ancestral wisdom

Intimate group size, maximum 9 people

Beautiful place in the mountains close to Medellin to decompress from the stress of life

Non - commercialized retreat center for your authentic Ayahuasca experience

Medical consultation before the retreat

Ayahuasca Retreat is so powerful

Experiences from Visitors at our Ayahuasca Retreat


The container, safety, and trust were so strong which allowed me to surrender deeply. 


Life – changing experience, it uncovered so much for me. I am very grateful for the team.


I felt safe and comfortable throughout the whole process which was the most important


It exceeded my expectations, I got a lot of takeaways, great life experience. 


Possibly a life-changing experience. I feel at peace in my life. It helped me work toward the person I want to be. 

Your stay includes

During your stay at Ayahuasca retreat Guacamayo we will make sure you will have everything at your disposal that you need, to make the personal transformation that is waiting for you. From breathwork, organic meals, sharing circles and of course the Ayahuasca ceremonies

4 Ayahuasca Ceremonies

Experience powerful Ayahuasca ceremony to find the light within

Organic meals

+ Accomondation
Food is vital for our energy level and we make sure you have the best quality organic food during your Ayahuasca retreat.

Holotropic Breathwork

We want to give you tools you can use on your own wherever you are to connect with yourself

Personal coaching

In the end what matters is what you do in the ceremony of life. We help you prepare for the triggers that will come up after your Ayahuasca retreat.


In the end what we are looking for is the connection with ourselves and others.

Energetical cleanse

After we move the energy in the Ayahuasca retreat we make sure you receive an energetic cleansing at the end.

In your 20 - minute consultation call, you will find out:

If Ayahuasca is the right medicine for you right now

If you feel comfortable with us as facilitators

If this place the right place for you

We want to help you on your journey, share the powerful message of Ayahuasca and whether you join with us or not is totally up to you.

No High Pressure Sales tactics, the people who resonate with our message join, the ones who don't won't and it is totally ok.

Questions about Ayahuasca Retreat Colombia

Frequently asked questions

Will Ayahuasca work for me?

You are on your individual journey, and Ayahuasca is very personal. It is the right thing for some people, while for others it is not. When approaching Ayahuasca it is important to prepare accordingly and especially have a deep level of humility and respect for Ayahuasca and the process. Generally, I recommend a video call where we can talk about your situation, see if Ayahuasca is the right for you and if this is the best suited place for you to drink as well. 

Where is the Ayahuasca coming from? And what makes this an authentic / non - commercialized experience?

The Ayahuasca is coming from the Kamsa Biya tribe from Putumayo, the Colombian Amazon. Specifically, we are working with Mama Concha, who is one of the few female “shamans” sharing Ayahuasca in Colombia. She has been drinking Ayahuasca her entire life, and her parents, grand-parent (11 generations upwards) have all been medicine people sharing Ayahuasca. She is growing and preparing the Ayahuasca, so the quality, integrity and knowledge behind the Ayahuasca is of the highest quality in the world. 


The most authentic experience is drinking in the Amazon and we also do bi / yearly trips to the Amazon. At the same time, it is with very little comfort and really not for everybody. So we do drink close to the city, but still in nature and with great lodging available so it is easy for people (from the west) to make this experience. 


It is non-commercialized because we work in small groups, you are not just a number, and we don’t just say it, you will feel it when you are here. Also, our prices are very moderate compared to other retreats centres around the world. 


Sergio Henao, a former philosophy professor is sharing the Ayahuasca who has been learning from Mama Concha for more than 13 years and has her permission and trust to share her medicine. He is conducting the ceremony in the same way that it has traditionally been done over centuries. 

Is this a safe place to drink Ayahuasca:

We do the best in our power to cultivate as safe as an experience as possible. Medical consultations calls are available before the retreat if you are unsure about certain physical aspects. We work with small, intimate group up to 9 people which allow a great amount of personal attention for each participant. You will have your own chair (which unfolds to a mattress when needed) in the ceremony, so you will have your own personal space in the ceremony. 


Of course, men and women sleep in separate rooms and we are attentive to everybody’s needs. 


Also, Ayahuasca is native to Colombia and is legal here. So there is a rich tradition and you do not have to worry about outside factors. I recommend you look through the reviews, speak with people who have been here, speak with us and see how comfortable you feel going on this journey with us. 

Why is it important that there are western facilitators and an integration process available?

So this one is not essential but highly recommended. Indigenous people have a different level of connection to the Ayahuasca than westerners do, they also live a totally different life from us. 


We see our work not just as the translation English / Spanish but also as a cultural transfer. To share the messages of Ayahuasca and how it can help you in your (day-to-day) life. Ayahuasca is not about sitting under a tree and meditating all day. But a powerful tool to help you overcome your limitation, heal parts of yourself from which you continue to suffer and break through limiting beliefs, become the person you were always meant to be, and live a good life. 


Also, the integration process helps you put this experience in perspective and keeps you on track, because watch out, life can really accelerate after an Ayahuasca experience like this. 

Having a western background we can be that bridge and help you with this transformation so this retreat can be the seed that helps you transform your life and possibly even change its trajectory.

When are the next retreat dates?

The next retreat dates are: 

One-week retreat (4 ceremonies / 900 USD): 

  • February 18th – 25th
  • April 8th – 15th
  • June 17th – 24th 
  • August 19th – 26 th 


4-day retreat (Thursday to Sunday): (2 ceremonies / 300 USD)

  • March 16th – 19th
  • May 18th – 21th
  • July 20th – 23rd 


Are there more economic options available?

Yes! We do believe that Ayahuasca is a medicine and should be available for everybody and not only if you pay hundreds of dollars. Sergio also organises ceremonies with mostly Colombians for 100 k pesos, which is around 20 USD. However, there are usually 50+ people there. There are also a lot of facilitators present, so you will be safe, however it is not the most comfortable experience. From my observations, especially for people from the west, it is important that they have their personal space, and that there is a certain level of personalization to the experience. Generally, my recommendation is that an Ayahuasca ceremony/retreat is not the place, where you want to save 100$, but to make sure you are in a situation where you feel safe. But again, everybody has their budget and if you want to go with one of the public ceremonies I can point you in that direction as well and make the connection. 

Are you ready for your personal transformation?

What is included in our 7-day retreat / Price 900 USD:
  • Experience the magic of  4 Ayahuasca ceremonies
  • Beautiful location (accommodation) and delicious food for 7 days
  • Connect with your subconscious with holotropic breathwork 
  • Clean your body and boost your immune system with Kambo 
  • Cleanse energetically with a flower bath 
  • Push your comfort zone with an Ice bath 
  • feel your body intelligence with a Yoga session
  • relax and spoil yourself with a massage 
  • Integration circles to understand your experience
  • Integration workshop so you understand what you can expect after the retreat 
  • Ayahuasca journal with preparation and Integration impulses 

What is included in our 3,5 -day retreat Price 395 USD:
  • Experience the magic of 2 Ayahuasca ceremonies
  • Beautiful location (accommodation) and delicious food 
  • Connect with your subconscious with holotropic breathwork
  • Push your comfort zone with an Ice bath 
  • Integration circles to understand your experience
  • Ayahuasca journal with preparation and Integration impulses 

Let’s have a conversation to see if we are on the same wavelength

Ayahuasca Retreat Colombia - Ayahuasca shaman
Upcoming dates

3,5 day retreat:  

  • June 17. – 20.
  • July 20. – 23.
  • August 4.- 7. 
  • September 15. – 18.
  • October 13. – 16. 
  • November 24 – 27. 

7 day retreat:  

  • June 17. – 24. 
  • August 4. – 11.
  • September 15. – 22.
  • October 13. – 20. 
  • November 24. – Dec 1. 
Are you ready for your Ayahuasca retreat?
Join for your transformational experience
Guacamayo - guardian of Ayahuasca

Contact us


+49 176 228 10 298


Social Media

Open chat
Hola, if you have any questions around Ayahuasca, I am happy to answer your questions. Just shoot me a message and we talk soon.