
Ayahuasca Call – your soul is ready for the next step

Ayahuasca is described by many as a possible life changing experience. But before the experience itself, there is a certain pull towards the medicine. Something that draws you towards it. It is hard to put into words…

For many, the journey begins not with a step, but with a feeling – a whisper of something profound that comes from the depths, urging them to listen more closely. This is what many spiritual seekers describe as the “Calling for Ayahuasca”. This calling is not just a casual interest or fleeting curiosity; it’s a deep-rooted pull, drawing individuals towards the magic of Ayahuasca 

If you’re reading this, it’s highly likely that you’ve either felt this call or are beginning to tune in to its frequency. Perhaps it’s a yearning for healing, a drive for understanding, or a path for a deeper connection with oneself and the universe. 

Regardless of the reason, the call is real, and it’s potent. This article aims to shed light on the details of this call, helping you to better understand its nature, significance, and the power of Ayahuasca.


Key takeaways: 

  • When you start to be drawn towards Ayahuasca, when it starts to show up in your field of awareness you are starting to hear the call for Ayahuasca. Be open for synchronicities and vivid dreams. 
  • It means that your consciousness is ready for the experience and that on a profound level you are ready to take the next step in your life. 
  • Do not force Ayahuasca, sometimes you also still have to take the active step towards it.

Table of Contents

Personal Story: Recognizing the Calling for Ayahuasca: 

Whenever I share stories of my experiences with Ayahuasca, diverse reactions emerge from the audience. Imagine a room of 10 people, attentively listening. A handful might respond with polite curiosity, saying, “It sounds intriguing, but it’s not for me.” Some might recoil a bit, exclaiming, “This sounds too intense and way out of my comfort zone!” Yet, invariably, there will be a few whose eyes light up, leaning forward, almost magnetically drawn to the narrative, asking, “Can you tell me more?”

It’s these individuals who are sensing the call of Ayahuasca. 

What fascinates me about this dynamic is that the story remains consistent, yet the responses vary so widely. It underscores the idea that our receptiveness to certain experiences is influenced by our current state of consciousness and where we are on our personal journeys. The same message can resonate differently, reflecting the uniqueness of each individual’s path.

Drawing from my own experiences, before I took part in my first Ayahuasca ceremony, I happened upon a video by an influencer detailing his transformative journey with the sacred brew. His words, perspective, and recounting resonated deeply with me. Almost serendipitously, the following week, a friend encountered this same influencer at an event. From him, she obtained contact information for a reputable retreat that facilitated Ayahuasca ceremonies. Without hesitation, and perhaps driven by that same inexplicable call, I found myself enrolling for my inaugural ceremony just a week later.

This journey with Ayahuasca, often initiated by a simple tale or an unexpected meeting, reminds us of the interconnectedness of life and the mysterious ways the universe can guide us towards profound awakenings.

What is your reaction to stories of Ayahuasca?

Whenever I share the story and message of Ayahuasca, diverse reactions emerge from the people listening. Imagine a group 10 people, a handful might respond with polite curiosity, saying, “It sounds intriguing, but it’s not for me.” Some might recoil a bit, exclaiming, “This sounds too intense and way out of my comfort zone!” Yet,, there will be a few whose eyes light up, leaning forward, almost magnetically drawn to the narrative, asking, “Can you tell me more?”

It’s these individuals who are sensing the call of Ayahuasca. 

What fascinates me about this dynamic is that the story is the same, yet the responses vary so widely. It underscores the idea that our receptiveness to certain experiences is influenced by our current state of consciousness and where we are on our personal journeys. The same message can resonate differently, reflecting the uniqueness of each individual’s path.

Drawing from my own experiences, before I took part in my first Ayahuasca ceremony, I watched a video by an influencer detailing his transformative journey with Ayahuasca. His words, perspective, and recounting resonated with me. Interestingly, the following weekend, a friend met this same influencer at an event. From him, he obtained contact information on where he had the experience. Without hesitation, and perhaps driven by that same inexplicable call, I found myself signing up for the retreat within a week.

This path of Ayahuasca, often initiated by a simple story or an unexpected meeting, reminds us of the interconnectedness of life and the mysterious ways the universe can guide us towards profound awakenings.

The observing Spirit of Ayahuasca

The indigenous cultures deeply rooted in the traditions of Ayahuasca believe that Ayahuasca is not just a substance there is a spirit behind the plant. And the spirit of Ayahuasca is ever-watchful, observing every individual on this planet. However, it’s crucial to shed any preconceived notions or parallels we might draw.

This isn’t a deity that sits in judgment, cataloging our wrongs and celebrating our rights. Instead, envision it more as a benevolent, curious observer, existing in its own unique vibrational realm, yet deeply attuned to our world and its inhabitants.

As we navigate our life paths, those who begin to harmonize or resonate with this particular frequency – perhaps through specific life experiences, inner reflections, or even sheer serendipity – may start sensing what many describe as “the call of Ayahuasca.” It’s as if this spirit recognizes a kinship or alignment and calls the individual closer, inviting them to partake in an Ayahuasca ceremony. 

Find out if Ayahuasca is right for you

  • Will you be safe physically and emotionally?
  • How will you be supported in the ceremony?
  • How do the facilitators handle difficult situations?
  • How will you be able to process the experience?
  • You want change, but will your life be unrecognizable after Ayahuasca?

+ 13 things to consider before drinking Ayahuasca?

Calling for Ayahuasca, synchronicities start to happen

What does it mean when Ayahuasca calls out to you? How can one recognize or even describe such an intangible feeling? For many, Ayahuasca begins to subtly manifest in their field of consciousness, subtly inserting itself into their daily lives.

Suddenly, conversations with friends seem to veer towards their recent journeys with the medicine. New acquaintances have surprisingly connections to Ayahuasca. Perhaps you stumble upon documentaries, articles, or books on Ayahuasca and find yourself drawn to them, not just out of sheer curiosity but with an undeniable magnetism. There’s a persistent silent whisper suggesting that there’s something more waiting for you.

Watching these stories or hearing about these personal experiences may ignite a mix of emotions within you. It might seem intimidating or even a bit overwhelming at first, but underneath that surface trepidation lies a profound sense of intrigue. A part of you – perhaps your soul or your deepest self – feels like it’s yearning for what lies beyond the Ayahuasca experience.

Significant dreams are part of the Ayahuasca call 

Dreams have always held a unique place in our understanding of the psyche. They can be windows to our subconscious, revealing insights that are often obscured in our waking lives. As you find yourself being drawn to the idea of Ayahuasca, your dreams may become more vivid and profound, possibly even hinting at the deep work that lies ahead.

It’s not uncommon for those feeling the call of Ayahuasca to experience dreams filled with symbolic imagery, lush rainforests, serpentine visions, or encounters with shamans, ancient spirits or something personally significant. These aren’t just arbitrary hallucinations; they are your subconscious mind’s way of preparing and signaling readiness for the transformative journey ahead.

Such dreams may offer glimpses into the layers of healing and self-discovery that Ayahuasca can facilitate. They might highlight unresolved issues, latent fears, or even forgotten memories. Embracing and understanding these dreams can act as guidance, setting the stage for your conscious engagement with the medicine. Remember, in the world of Ayahuasca, nothing is mere coincidence; every vision, emotion, and realization is a step toward deeper understanding and healing.

Of course it is also important that you prepare for your Ayahuasca retreat:

Must read blog: Ayahuasca preparation – How to prepare for your Ayahuasca ceremony

How is your life going? 

Perhaps the Ayahuasca calling is a reflection of the soul’s innate desire for clarity, transformation, and healing. There is a sense of readiness within you, a realization that you want to dive deeper into understanding your own life, the challenges you face, and the aspirations you hope to fulfill. Ayahuasca isn’t just about psychedelic visions or abstract experiences. It is an introspective journey that demands you to confront and be transparent with yourself.

This medicine is there to guide, to reflect, to show – it is a mirror to your soul. It can show you the hidden corners of your psyche, the suppressed traumas, and also the immense potential that resides within you. This introspective process is not always comfortable, but it is definitely transformative.

To dive deeper into your topic and why you would want to drink Ayahuasca, your intention behind it, read our blog: Ayahuasca intention – how to discover your Ayahuasca intention. 

Ayahuasca is not something you force: 

This medicine is not one to be forced, it unfolds at its own pace, ensuring that when it does reach you, you are at the right point in your journey.

Furthermore, you might find that once you truly attune to its call, opportunities to engage with this sacred medicine appear more rapidly than anticipated. Perhaps you’ll stumble upon a retreat, meet an experienced guide, or cross paths with someone who has just returned from their own Ayahuasca journey. The universe has its ways of connecting the dots, bringing the experience closer when your heart and soul are genuinely ready.

Obstacles on the way to Ayahuasca

Life, in its essence, is a series of events, challenges, and choices that shape our path. As we journey towards Ayahuasca, it’s no different. I had a story of two individuals on their way to our Ayahuasca retreat when the drivers car unexpectedly broke down. Their reactions to the situation, while both valid, couldn’t be more contrasting.

One participant, feeling defeated by the unexpected obstacle, perceived it as a sign: “Perhaps this is the universe telling me that Ayahuasca isn’t meant for me right now.” A sentiment many of us can relate to when things don’t go as planned.

However, another individual in the same situation responded differently, seeing the hurdle as an invitation to take the next step: “This challenge is intriguing. Maybe the universe is testing my resolve, ensuring that I genuinely desire this transformative experience.”

Not kidding, this really happened. 🙂

These two reactions underscore an important point: our interpretation of events greatly influences our experiences. The meaning we attach to situations can either propel us forward or hold us back.

While it’s true that Ayahuasca, as an experience, shouldn’t be forced, it’s also worth noting that sometimes, the journey to it may demand action on our part. It could be as simple as reaching out to friends for recommendations, conducting research online, or making that important phone call. There might be days when Ayahuasca seems to serendipitously enter our lives, while at other times, we might need to actively seek it out.

In both scenarios, staying aligned with our intentions and being receptive to the universe’s cues are vital. Because in this dance with Ayahuasca, it’s not just about getting to the destination, but also about how we navigate the journey.

Being afraid to drink Ayahuasca 

Hearing Ayahuasca’s call is a transformative experience, but the journey doesn’t end there. Answering that call, making the conscious decision to drink Ayahuasca, is an entirely different challenge. It requires courage, introspection, and a willingness to embrace vulnerability.

In our digital age, with an overflow of information and experiences shared online, it’s easy to be scared by sensationalized stories. Tales of individuals confronting their darkest fears and revisiting their most painful memories might dominate the narrative. However, it’s vital to understand the holistic nature of Ayahuasca. While it can lead to profound insights and revelations, its core essence is rooted in love, light, and healing. The path Ayahuasca walks you through is paved with compassion, understanding, acceptance, and ultimately, forgiveness.

Many have fears around Ayahuasca. “What if it’s too much? What if I’m not ready?” It’s natural to have these concerns. But remember, Ayahuasca is a medicine attuned to your spirit. It won’t overwhelm you with more than you can handle. Yes, it might lead you to face challenges, but perhaps these challenges are necessary stepping stones for your growth.

Reflect on your current situation. How long have you felt stuck or out of alignment? Have your current approaches to personal growth / healing been yielding the results you desire? It’s essential to recognize when it’s time to let go of old habits and beliefs that no longer serve you. Embracing Ayahuasca might be stepping into the unknown, but it’s also an opportunity to leave behind what holds you back and build a newer, more authentic version of yourself. 

So, are you ready to release the shackles of the past and take that bold step into your future? The choice, as always, remains yours.

Must read blog: Are you afraid of Ayahuasca – Confronting the fear of the unknown 

Hearing the call for Ayahuasca after you already had a retreat / ceremony 

Ayahuasca is often described as a journey, but for many, it’s not a singular adventure. Just like life itself, it can be a series of experiences, each with its unique challenges and revelations. If you’ve gone down this path, you may find yourself hearing Ayahuasca’s call again, maybe even unexpectedly. 

Life is ever-evolving, with new challenges, aspirations, and moments of introspection constantly weaving into our existence. Just as new chapters open in our lives, Ayahuasca too may have more insights and lessons to offer. While your initial experience might have provided clarity or healing for past issues, the ebb and flow of life might present new questions, new wounds, or even new aspirations.

For those who have previously partaken in the Ayahuasca ceremony, it’s common to reminisce about the initial experience – the challenges, the breakthroughs, and the profound moments of clarity. It’s only natural to wonder, “Am I ready to dive deep once again?” It’s essential to remember that every Ayahuasca journey is distinct, shaped by your current state of being, your intentions, and the lessons you’re primed to learn (and what you integrated since the last experience). While your first experience might have been framed by a particular set of circumstances, your subsequent ceremonies can be entirely different, offering fresh perspectives and revelations.

So, if you feel Ayahuasca’s call in your heart once more, trust in the process. Trust that you are being guided towards further growth, deeper understanding, and another step on your path to self-discovery. And as always, approach it with an open heart, ready to embrace whatever the journey unfolds.

But what about logic in you Ayahuasca call?

The logical mind is a powerful tool, an analytical force that helps us in many of life’s complexities. It evaluates, calculates, and directs our actions based on evidence and reason. Yet, as crucial as rationality is, it doesn’t encompass the entirety of our human experience. Beyond the analytical brain lies another realm of intelligence – one that’s rooted in feelings, hunches, and unexplainable nudges: our intuition.

Intuition, often referred to as our ‘gut feeling,’ is an innate wisdom that bypasses conscious reasoning. It’s an inner compass, guiding us through life. While logic is grounded in past experiences and known facts, intuition taps into a broader consciousness, offering insights that might not always make immediate ‘sense’ but resonate on a deeper level.

Following our intuition can lead to unexpected and transformative experiences. It nudges us towards paths we might not have rationally considered, taking us on adventures, presenting challenges, and unveiling lessons that our logical minds might have bypassed. These turns and twists, while uncertain, can be immensely enriching, broadening our horizons and adding layers to our personal growth.

Yet, trusting this intangible voice requires courage. In a world that often values reason over instinct, to step outside the bounds of logic and lean into the unknown can be daunting. There’s an inherent vulnerability in trusting something that can’t always be explained or justified. But this very act of trust, this leap of faith, can be a powerful testament to our inner strength and the multifaceted intelligence that lies within us.

Remember, life is not merely a series of calculated moves. It’s also a dance, a play, an exploration. And while our logical mind can direct the steps, our intuition sets the rhythm, the mood, and the magic. So, as you stand at life’s crossroads, listen to both – your reason and your heartbeats. 

Finding the Right Place to Drink Ayahuasca

Participating in an Ayahuasca retreat is a profound commitment, one that demands careful consideration and preparation. It’s essential to prioritize safety and authenticity when seeking a place to partake in the ceremony. Take your time to speak with various centers, engage with the facilitators, and understand their practices and ethos. 

Listen to your intuition and trust the sensation that resonates with you the most. Remember, the environment in which you drink Ayahuasca can significantly influence your experience, so choose a setting that feels right, secure, and conducive to your healing and growth.

Feel free to consider our Ayahuasca Retreat in Colombia

Conclusion: Hearing the Call for Ayahuasca

The mysterious and profound caff for Ayahuasca draws many from around the world, encouraging them to delve deeper into their psyche and the cosmos. This “calling” is as varied and individual as the people who hear it, manifesting through dreams, personal circumstances, or a simple intuitive pull. It’s vital to approach this powerful medicine with respect, intention, and a genuine desire for growth and healing. Ultimately, the Ayahuasca journey intertwines the spiritual with the personal, the known with the unknown. It challenges, uplifts, and transforms. So if you feel that whisper in your soul, if Ayahuasca seems to be reaching out to you, take a moment to listen deeply. What you discover might just be what your soul has been yearning for.

FAQ about “Ayahuasca call”:

How do you know if Ayahuasaca is calling you? 

You know that Ayahuasca is calling you when it starts to enter more and more into your field of awareness. When the information presented to you have a certain magnetic pull and deep down you sense that it is an experience you should go on, that there is something on the other side of the tunnel waiting for you. 

The Call for Ayahuasca is often accompanied with significant dreams and synchronicities.  

Should you follow the call for Ayahuasca? 

It is up to you if you want to follow the call for Ayahuasca. Know that things don’t just happen out of coincidences but that there is a reason that you are drawn to this experience. It will not necessarily be easy, but it will give you what you need at the stage of your life where you are in. 

Why am I suddenly drawn to Ayahuasca? 

When you are drawn to Ayahuasca it means that you are hearing what the shamans describe as “the call for Ayahuasca”. Most likely it is something that you never thought about doing, but now there is this undeniably magnetic pull towards Ayahuasca. Start doing your research about it, (for example read this blog) and take one step at a time while following your intuition. 

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Open chat
Hola, if you have any questions around Ayahuasca, I am happy to answer your questions. Just shoot me a message and we talk soon.